Necropolis of Argiñeta

The necropolis of Argiñeta, both for the number and quality of its elements and for the remote chronology of some of them (7th-9th centuries), is one of the most important funerary monuments in the Basque Country.

This necropolis, made up of about twenty tombs and five stelae, is located in front of the hermitage of San Adrián, on the outskirts of Elorrio.

The monuments were built in the High Middle Ages to be used in the necropolises of the different surrounding neighbourhoods (Mendraka, Miota, Berrio), but were regrouped in the current location in the nineteenth century. Both the tombs and the funerary stelae were erected with sandstone from the quarries of Mount Oiz.


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General and/or specific data

A first-rate heritage element within the panorama of Bizkaia's archaeology for the knowledge of settlement during the Middle Ages.

The main attraction of the necropolis is found in the set of stelae and tombs grouped both inside and outside the hermitage.

Information about accessibility

A Good Idea

The area is a land of rich and varied heritage, see the Villa de Durango as an example or the municipality of Elorrio. It is also worth mentioning its deep-rooted traditions of Basque culture with its winter fairs: the Agricultural Fair of San Blas de Abadiño and the Basque Book and Record Fair (Durangoko Azoka).

Did you know?

Very close to the necropolis is La Campa Foral de Gerediaga. In this place, important decisions were made about the 12 antechurches that made up Durangaldea. The Campa Foral de Gerediaga is currently the oldest parliament in Europe. Also located in this area is Garai, ""The Balcony of Bizkaia"" from where you can see the Durangaldea mountain range: Anboto, the Durangaldea rocks and the Aramotz mountain range.

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