There is always so much going on in Bizkaia’s cultural department. The newest music concerts and dance events are staged in the region all year round at fascinating venues of great historical value.

Since it was established, the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra (BOS) has tried to revive an interest in classical music. In 1958, when Rafael Frühbeck was appointed BOS conductor, the cantata Carmina Burana was fully staged for the first time in the Spanish State. Since then, the BOS has performed alongside soloists and singers like Alfredo Kraus, Montserrat Caballé, Plácido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Ainhoa Arteta, pianists Arthur Rubinstein and Bilbao-born Joaquín Achúcarro.

The BOS is the resident orchestra at the Euskalduna Concert Hall, whose designers, architects Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios wanted to honour the Euskalduna Shipyard. This stage puts on a variety of events and conferences, plus cultural activities from music concerts and classical and modern dance events, zarzuela, classical ballet and ground-breaking theatrical performances.

Besides concerts and rehearsals, the BOS carries out interesting educational projects like Trakamatraka, a musical instrument-making workshop where only recycled material is used, or Adoptar un músico (Adopting a Musician), where schoolchildren take part in a musical alongside members of the BOS.

In Bilbao, Sala BBK offers excellent shows dominated by jazz, flamenco, fado, trikitrixa (Basque accordion) and txalaparta (Basque musical percussion instrument) sounds, among others. Since it opened in 2010, the stage has drawn hundreds of local and international artists.

Feast of festivals

In addition to BBK Live, BIME and Mundaka Festival, Bizkaia hosts countless festivals all year round, including Musika-Música, a marathon of classical music with more than 70 shows involving 1500 musicians. The festival is a magnet for people from around the world, thanks, in part, to the affordable ticket prices.

In the last years, Sala BBK has been filled with music during the Musiketan Festival, where Elliott Murphy, Ara Malikian, Mary Black and Bebo Valdés, among many other big names in the international music scene have been on the stage. The festival has drawn as many as 90,000 music fans so far.

The Loraldia Festival, held in spring in Bilbao, focuses on Basque culture. It draws inspiration from the Juegos Florales (Basque literature contest) organised by Antoine T. d’Abbadie in the nineteenth century. In the Christmas season, you can feel the true spirit of Christmas listening to choirs singing everywhere in town.

Towns other than Bilbao stage great festivals. Getxo, for instance, hosts a folk music, jazz and blues festival that always gets five-star reviews. Other important live music events are the Ziortza-Bolibar Ancient Music Festival, the Portugalete International Folk Music Festival, or the Bermeo International Music Festival.

How To Get There

  • In Bilbao and other towns in Bizkaia they stage excellent music concerts and dance events. See what is on, plan your visit ahead and make sure you do not miss out.

    Sala BBK
    Gran Vía López de Haro, 19-21. 48008 Bilbao
    Phone number: +34 944 058 824
    Email address 

    Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall
    Avenida Abandoibarra, 4. 48011 Bilbao
    Telephone number: + 944 035 000
    E-mail address

    Arriaga Theatre
    Plaza del Arriaga, 1. 48005 Bilbao
    Telephone number: +34 944 792 036
    Email address 

    Campos Elíseos Theatre
    Calle de Bertendona, 3 Bis. 48008 Bilbao
    Telephone number: +34 944 438 610 / +34 944 438 641

    • Orario

      Sala BBK box office:
      Monday-Saturday, 12:30pm to 1:30pm and 5:00 to 8:30pm
      Sunday and holidays when there is performance: 5:00 to 8:30pm

      Euskalduna Conference Centre and Concert Hall:
      Guided tours: For the general public. Saturday at 12:00 noon. Places are limited to a maximum of 30.
      Guided tours with advance booking: Weekdays, Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Places are limited to a maximum of 30.

      Teatro Arriaga information office:
      Monday-Friday, 11:00am to 2:00pm and 5:00 to 8:00pm (Closed in July and holidays)

      Campos Elíseos box office:
      Tuesday-Friday, 5:00pm until last start time. 
      When there is no performance, box office will close at 8:00pm

    • Prezzo

      Admission tickets for Euskalduna:
      Adults: €4 on weekdays for groups of 17 people and over.
      Groups: €65 on weekdays per group of less than 17 people. €90 per group on Saturday afternoon and holidays