Reserva Bilbao Bizkaia offers leisure activities for everybody, including families, couples, or groups. Experiences to suit all tastes and ages, like natural parks, routes and excursions, Biscayan txakoli experiences, arts and crafts, museums and cultural heritage sites, or activities for kids, can be found all over Bilbao Biscay.

The website gives you access to cultural events, sports, and food activities organised in the city, on the coast and in the mountain. Prices are equally varied, including for example visits to museums for less than 10 euros, or sport and adventure experiences whose price can range between 10 and 30 euros, but if you prefer you can also opt for more exclusive activities.

Reserva Bilbao Bizkaia allows you to filter activities by interests and geographical areas. When you find the activity you were looking for, you can check the availability on a given date for the number of people you want before making the payment. Finally, the company will validate the booking and send you a coupon to the email address provided with the personal information requested to complete the reservation.